Why Bud Light Was Created

Beer drinkers have alternatives, because they want something cold to douse the heat, 
not beer products that force them to fly a particular flag. That is communism.

How influential is the internet? Completely. So complete that big companies make decisions based on followers and subscribers, hence the decision to use trans gender men to advertise Bud Light, Nike, Target and other businesses.

The internet is so hypnotic that businesses throw in the garbage data they have accumulated over the years. This is where we are now. Trans gender is currently in the news. A man capitalizes on it and claims to be a woman. He spends money on wigs, make-up and clothes because he thinks that is all that defines a woman. He goes online and becomes a trans gender sensation.

Well and good for him, but surely a company like Anheuser-Busch knows its core customers. It’s all there in the trade archives. All businesses crave for new customers, to increase profits and make shareholders happy. That’s why Anheuser-Busch created a light version of the original Bud beer. It invested millions in advertising to lure people who did not like beer for one reason or the other. Some don’t like what is known as a ‘beer gut.’

Stereotypes. There are stereotypes about the kind of man that drinks beer. There are women who like it as well, but we’ll leave them out of the equation for now, because they ‘belong’ to another stereotype. If you live in the United Kingdom or have been there on holiday, you know about the pint, but pubs also have a smaller glass that used to be popular with women. I don’t know the situation right now. But, English women also like gin and tonic, you see in old soaps like Coronation Street and EastEnders. They also order white or red wine.

The point is that Bud Light was an effort to lure drinkers away from the stereotypes and it succeeded. Enter the internet and all that investment down the drain because of a trans gender man with a million followers.

What is also baffling is reality you see in Target or any other department store. You meet all kinds of people as you zig-zag aisles looking for couscous or a plastic tablecloth. Customers are all ages, wear ‘American’ clothes or clothes from other lands. Customers are short, tall, black, white and all sizes. Stores don't know whether they are men who have sex with both women and men, or men who have reached a higher plane of existence and call themselves women.

They are just customers. Customers like it too, because they dash into the store to pick up something, as customers, and not members of Jehovah’s Witness or gay teachers who want the trans gender experiment in school, so as to turn little boys into potential sex objects.

Politicians can support the ‘cancel boys’ experiment as much as they want, but they must remember that there are voters that are not influenced by the internet, the new god. They are influenced by common sense.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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