Skip Ads The Only Power

We are bottled up human beings. We don’t have control over our lives. The government makes the rules and deduct taxes. Banks take our money by force and charge us if we withdraw $10. These two are in collusion so there’s nothing we can do about it. They are legal highway robbers with full immunity from prosecution, something that makes Donald Trump green with envy. It is what he wants for himself: immunity.

Skip ads is the only thing we can control. Once again, we are not told anything. Some people somewhere decided we should be forced to watch ads if we need information online or if we want to watch movies. We pay for internet service. The company cuts it off when we lose our jobs. Once again, there’s nothing we can do about it. We must pay, if we want to be online.

We will continue to skip ads because we pay for internet service. Some ads no longer have the SKIP AD option. No problem. We close whatever we are watching. It’s the only power we have. Banks, the government and ads try to squeeze blood from a stone. We are dry because it’s a one-way street. They don’t sleep at night, thinking of ways to extract more money from the wretched. We live in so-called democracies but we don’t have the right to watch a funny video without being interrupted by ads.

The point is: why do ads have more rights than us? A man’s home is his castle, says the English proverb. Our laptops and phones are also our castle. We own the right to decide what we want to watch, and it’s not ads.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Executive Blogger


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