Kids Need Famous Parents Not Education

Savannah and LeBron James and family.

Rupert Murdoch, the entertainment billionaire that owns the Fox Television Network - among other things - is a good reminder that parents should do like him and say: ‘Lachlan, put these things in the trunk/boot.’

Who is Lachlan? Rupert Murdoch’s son. The father stepped down as Chairman of his media assets this year and gave the baton to Lachlan. Poor parents insist on a college degree, Masters degree and PH.D, with the hope it will elevate their kids to an acceptable status, acceptable because they are not, in their natural self. Most ‘educated’ people die poor in offices with framed certificates on the wall.

Wise fathers like Rupert Murdoch teach their kids the ropes at birth. They say: Son, put these things in the car. Sons grow up knowing that the things daddy puts in the trunk every morning create wealth, the family’s wealth, generational wealth. Justin Trudeau, the famous Canadian Prime Minister probably used to say to Justin: Son, put these things in the car. He did. Today, Justin Trudeau is the current Canadian Prime Minister. What are things sons put in the car?

They could be basketballs e.g. LeBron James and sons.

They could be footballs e.g. Deion Sanders and sons.

They could be briefcases e.g. Donald Trump and sons.

They could be newspapers and copies of the T.V. Guide e.g. Rupert Murdoch and son.

They could be golf irons e.g. Tiger Woods and son.

They could be microphones e.g. Bollywood families like the Kapoors and Bachchans.

Therefore, poor parents must do something dramatic like singing, modelling, taking off their clothes, playing sports and other activities that don’t need education. That way, they accumulate wealth they can pass on to their kids. Will Smith and his wife Jada did not take their kids to school because it is useless. They are doing very well and many doors are wide open for them because of their parents. Money matters, not education.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Executive Blogger


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