Happy 2024. Bet On Yourself

Happy New Year to me and myself. I should clean up my act for the brand new 2024. I will do my best but there are areas I have no control over, like my financial situation. Banks and the government monopolize that area. They are always coming up with tricks to weasel out money, from our bank cards.

However, there’s something I can do for me, myself and I. I can bet on myself in 2024. Fred VanVleet, who used to play for the Toronto Raptors, left Canada and went back home to America, where he signed with the Houston Rockets. He sent a little goodbye message that he was betting on himself, as he should. Jordan Seaton, a football player and top offensive lineman in the U.S. asked himself a question “Why not bet on myself?” He did and Coach Prime was his best bet. That’s why he signed with Colorado Buffaloes on 22 December 2023.

Don’t get me wrong. I’ve always bet on myself, but not completely, because no man is an island, says the proverb. That’s why humans have friends and family, but they do let us down. That’s why I’m going to pump up the ‘bet on yourself.’ Maybe they don’t let us down. We don’t see the writing on the wall, which leads to miscalculations. We put a high value on friends and think they feel the same way about us. They don’t. Sometimes they send out warning shots that the feeling is not mutual, but we are too blind to see.

It will be 2024, in a few hours time, and it will be show time. I will embark on a better, ‘bet on yourself.’ I will not dwell on 2023 disappointments.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Executive Blogger


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