Women Drivers Professional Sport


Tia Norfleet, Nascar driver taught by Bobby Norfleet her dad 
who is also a racing car driver. Photo Credit: Online pic.
‘She’ll jump the light.’

I’m using ‘she’ deliberately because it is assumed that women are always in the passenger seat, don’t buy fast cars and that they don’t like speed. Think again, some women relish breaking traffic rules to attain speed, including jumping the light.

But it’s not jumping if the light is amber/orange which means caution, right? Depends on who taught you how to drive. As for me, when in doubt, I rewind to my driving instructor in Toronto Ontario who didn’t tolerate any ego nonsense.

Fast and Furious is a movie brand that hit cinemas over the years and with different directors. I think the late John Singleton of Boyz N’ the Hood fame was one of them. The next Fast and Furious should be about women that love speed.

Back to jumping the light. It’s risky because of that split second where someone or something materializes from nowhere. Like men, women who drive expensive toys love jumping the light because they have faith in the machine. The trust might work, it might not. 

What kind of women love speed? Don’t say it’s single women with deep pockets because you think all married women drive mini-vans with the plates MUM’S TAXI. Don’t let that fool you. Being married and having kids does not kill what they were, before they said I DO. 

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.




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