Regular Exercise Looking Good?

The main reason why humanity goes to the gym is to appease the heart, which is extremely delicate. Doctors recommend regular exercise. Another reason for looking good, is to appease humans that live with us or we are hoping, they’ll live with us.

But the most satisfying reason is looking fabulous for you, which starts with dressing up. Shower done, now it’s time to put on clothes. The shirt slides in through arms with little ripples, nothing ostentatious like professional weightlifters’ rocks.

Doing buttons is one two three. Remember the time when you had to hold your breath to button up shirts? Zipping up pants is a piece of cake because there are no road blocks. Zips do just that, zip up.

Do you wear belts? Fastening them is no problem because there’s no hanging laundry around your waist. Women with no protruding waists look divine in dresses.

Talking about the waistline. Working out regularly is good for your mental health because you don’t have to worry about the stomach. You don’t buy an extra size to hide it.

The big shirt actually draws attention to the tummy, as in, what are you hiding under there? Another plus of a tamed tummy, is that you don’t walk around, hugging your handbag.

When you work out regularly, you leave the house feeling light, feeling great, looking fabulous. You owe the government and your sister money but it’s all under wraps. Nobody knows that.

On-lookers like what they see when you pound the pavement or enter a building. You ignore the silent appreciation because the world is complicated now. A smile might be interpreted as sexual harassment.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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