Technology Reasons for Melt Down

Pizza ovens. Pandemic was good for food delivery. We were on our phones and computers 24/7.

What went wrong with tech, that led to power houses like Google, Microsoft, Meta and the like, downloading humans into unemployment bins?

Post pandemic is cited as one of the reasons. COVID-19 put us on lockdown. That’s why we were online more, starting podcasts, ordering pizza and other comfort food, buying monitors for laptops and other gadgets to lift up the spirit and swiping cards for online entertainment. Pandemic restrictions are gone, so we are out in the open again.

Tech products are another reason why tech companies are off loading workers. They are conceived and manufactured inside nuts. The public sees the walnut’s shell or hull. They don’t know how good the nut tastes. Tech companies must crack the shell and explain why a particular walnut is a must-have for home use, office, factory or workshop.

How many products did companies pull from the digital shelf because they were not moving? It’s because only people inside the nut understand tech speak, but it has no place in ads for non-tech customers.  Maybe they feel it will belittle tech if they use simple language like banks: Your account is overdrawn by $100.

Tech companies will bounce back because the world will stand still without it. I’m always amused at the panic caused by Wi-Fi. So what if it’s down for an hour?

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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