Lost Dental Fillings

How do you know I went to the dentist today? Another toothbrush, floss and other freebies. Ha! Ha! They are not gifts, it is advertising.

"You’ve lost a filling."

My mouth is still sore because I went to the dentist this morning, to spring clean my teeth. It’s a lovely day, sun is shining, no wind to speak of and the white stuff on the ground,  is melting.

The dentist’ declaration that I lost a filling explained why a particular tooth was acting up. It was like shouting near a cave, and hear the echo of your voice. It was only later, that I realized how ominous that was. I lost a filling. I was not aware of the loss. How and when did it happen and where is that filling? That is what I’m scared of. Did I swallow it? Is it therefore responsible for any real or imagined stomach ache? If I did, it is like World War 2 bombs found somewhere in the country side, we read about now and then. They never exploded back then, only to be found in 2020 or 2024.

A tooth filling is made of what, steel or some kind of metal? Therefore, I’m in trouble if it’s still in my body because it cannot be digested. It’s a foreign enemy, bent on total destruction. Should I go to my doctor and ask her to send me to the laboratory for some tests, to see if there are any hostile foreign bodies skulking about? No. I can’t do that. You don’t tell the doctor what is wrong with you, although we do it all the time, thanks to the internet. I once saw a cartoon of a patient in a doctor’s rooms.

“Well! Did the internet tell you, what is wrong with you?” asked the doctor.

You know what? I think I lost that filling when I brushed my teeth, but I don’t brush them in the dark. Surely, I would have seen it. What I need to do going forward, is to preserve my sanity and let sleeping dogs lie. Lost fillings should remain lost, and not cause any trouble.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Executive Blogger


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