I Was Wrong We Still Go To Cinemas

NFL movie, Cuba Gooding Jr plays a football star in Jerry Maguire.
Tom Cruise is his agent.

I was wrong. I’ve always maintained that munching popcorn in the movie theater was in trouble after 2020, the COVID-19 year. The press statement released by CINEPLEX, the chain that owns movie theaters around here, proved me wrong. Here is one of its highlights.

November 9, 2023: “This past quarter, we achieved record box office revenues of $188.2 million and once again outpaced the North America box office by a notable 310 basis point,” Ellis Jacob, President and CEO Cineplex.

I had good reasons for saying we don’t go to the cinema anymore. The first reason is where you are right now, at home or coffee shop reading this blog from your laptop. Some people also like watching movies from these devices. There are many advantages. They don’t have to get ready, bathe, wear clean clothes, take the train/bus or drive to the cinema in a snow storm. They control the screen: stop, pause, rewind or increase volume. The laptop offers the joy of watching movies from the comfort of your own home, with the kitchen and bathroom nearby. It is mostly older movies that are available online. However, Cineplex theaters at the mall are still the first window for new releases from Disney, before they go online.

Online dating, is another reason why I thought people don’t go to the movies as often as they used to. Before the internet and the laptop, going to the movies was a core requirement for dating. In fact, it was the reason why Hollywood invented ‘teen’ movies. Online dating created its own must-do, and may not include driving your date to the movies.

I guess I was wrong. Some people still believe in watching movies like Black Panther, Barbie, The Colour Purple and The Little Mermaid on the big screen at the mall.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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