World is Watching Trump's Indictment

America has foreign admirers. America has foreign enemies. Both of them are monitoring Donald Trump’s current cases. On 1 August 2023, he was indicted for trying to defraud the American people. Fulton County in Georgia, a southern state, is also gearing up to charge him for his attempt to overturn its 2020 election.

Enemies? You can’t blame Americans for believing they don’t have any. Not when migrants try to jump over barbed wire to enter the U.S illegally. The world wants to go to there legally, because of the belief it is the ideal destination for academic, economic and cultural advancement. Anyone who has lived in Commonwealth countries, or South America is familiar with long lines snaking U.S. embassies as travelers looking for visas, wait patiently for gates to open for business.

Security is very tight because of foreigners’ love hate relationship with America, long before President Trump. The U.S. might be the embodiment of everything they detest, but that doesn’t stop them from wanting to go there. When Biden pulled out of Afghanistan, some Afghans stormed the airport to get on American war planes. They were airlifted to the U.S. Images are online. 

Foreign policy is the reason why some countries hate the U.S. Countries like Japan, Philippines and Germany tolerate U.S. troops because of World War 11 agreements. Germany, the country heavily punished by allies for Hitler and the war, got even. It manufactures cars, industrial machinery, drugs for pharmacies, electronics, sports apparel and everything else America needs.

How does that affect Trump and his legal problem?

U.S. foreign policy. The main excuse for American wars like Afghanistan and currently Russia - using Ukraine as a scapegoat - is to protect democracy. Ordinary Americans seldom question that. They did only once, and that was during the Vietnam War. Trump’s indictment is about his war against democracy, at home. It was an enemy act. That is why the world is watching. They are eagerly waiting for the outcome, because if a Trump look-alike had happened in their countries, America would have  assassinated him.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Executive Blogger


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