Twitter X Against Common Law

Elon Musk grew up in apartheid South Africa in Pretoria, which was like the U.S. South, because of the way it treated Africans. He spoke Afrikaans. I don't know why he decided to ditch its accent. 

What is common law? Ask British lawyers and subsequent law fraternities in the British Empire. Let me take a shot at the definition. It is something that has been done for so long, it is regarded as law.

Not good? Never mind. All I’m sure of is that Elon Musk is ursuping common law by changing his little acquisition from Twitter to X. It is in the public domain. When Americans and Canadians enter the voting booth, they tick X to their fancy. The letter X is common practice when filling in bank forms, census forms, school forms or an other piece of paper that has questions. Most of them have gone digital but you still tick X. American spies in Ukraine are called "X." They were called the same letter in Vietnam, Korea, Libya, Iraq or Afghanistan. 

This letter gave England the title deed to Africa, Asia and the Pacific. Indigenous people where the Royal Navy landed did not speak English so they made an X on a piece of paper. That is how they lost their land. As you read this, there are people all over the world who cannot read and write European languages, so they sign with an X.

The letter X is common law, even Hollywood knows that and made a movie called Madame X. Spike Lee, an independent filmmaker made a grand movie called Malcom X, which should be watched in theaters or a massive television screen because of the outstanding cinematography.

The letter X does not belong to Elon Musk. It is part of common law. Before cellphones, kids did not have access to X-rated movies. See, right there. They are not not S-rated. Why use the X? I rest my case.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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