Phones and Home Makers' Loneliness

Phone companies advertise the TV, cellphone, house phone and internet service combo in full throttle just before Christmas. That is why almost everybody in a home can have a phone.

An untold fact is that it has made life very difficult for women, because they keep the home fires burning. Full time dads are very few and if they exist, they write books about the experience. Women of the world shrug their shoulders when they watch these authors on television.

Because of the cellphone, family members don’t listen to women. They get irritated and mouth painful phrases like: What mom?  Some mothers are downright scared of their teens. Women cook and eat alone around a table of four or more. Kids no longer do simple chores like washing up after the mother has cooked. They do not make their own beds and clean bathrooms.

Forget laundry. They don’t have time to toss their clothes in the washing machine, so mothers pick up the slack. In a nutshell, because of the cellphone, mothers cannot reach out to kids to prepare them for the real world and its potholes, a world with no mummy.

Societies that drum into kids that they’ll be independent at 18, but raise them to sleep, eat and throw things for mothers to pick up, are raising social time bombs for future spouses and the government.

 By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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