Twitter Cancels Itself

Twitter, from a blue bird to a black double-edged axe that hides river stones.
Photo Credit: online pic of Banff Canada.

Colour me red. It’s good news in China and India where brides wear red. It’s bad news for electrical installations and railway crossings. There’s a big red X and the warning: DANGER KEEP OUT. Brides in Europe and the former British Empire wear white gowns. White denotes loss and sadness in India where mourners wear white. Teachers used to mark bad homework with a red pen.

The digital play pen is very colorful. Players vying for our attention are represented by different colors. They jump at us as soon as we press the power button on our phones. Twitter had a good feeling representative, a little blue bird. Who doesn’t like birds? Blue made us think of clouds and seashores where tourists and oil exploration are forbidden. The new Twitter oga (boss in the Yoruba language) squeezed the life out of the little bird and replaced it with a forbidding X. It is totally against the ecosystem, which is defined by color. Please indulge me with the word ecosystem. I learned it recently from @mkbhd, the YouTube tech falcon.

The new Twitter oga has reasons for replacing a warm fuzzy icon with something that stains the digital ecosystem. It looks like an invader, something that lost its way, a relic from the Titanic. Oga doesn’t care about the ecosystem. He just wants to put his boots on it, to tell all players that new brooms sweep well. Well! Only time will tell.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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