School Janitors Vote

TV political commentary, Twitter and other social media are not reliable sources for predictions. The best source are janitors. Janitors? Yes because they clean our mess. There are school janitors, hospital janitors, office blocks, conference centres and apartment building janitors. 

Domestic staff know us more than our therapists because they clean our mess, but we don’t discuss politics with the help. Let’s use the janitor as a generic term for all the cleaners in the world, from the Oval Office to the mall bathroom. Janitors know more about politics than TV commentators because they are the last stop of legislation or policy.

Congress or Parliament makes the law, but it seldom affects Congressmen and MP’s because they live in a different world they enter through official cars. Janitors feel the oil crisis at the pump. They need the gas to drive home, but they cannot go home empty handed. Does your Congresswoman know how much a liter of gas costs today? Janitors stand at the vegetable section longer, mulling over prices. They switch to cheaper and less healthy meat, when the dollar continues to slide in value.

Janitors or cleaners also vote because they are citizens. They speak English. They might speak another language therefore slow down with the stereotypes. Not all janitors speak a certain language. That is how political parties lose votes. They look at me and assign a country, a language and Donald Trump’s favourite: illegal migrant.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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