New Job Try To Fit In

The internet is touted as the new west, where you can be who you are and make money from it. However, there are millions of people who still long for the security of a traditional 9-5 job.

Job security? Tomorrow is not promised, to quote Kizz Daniel, the talented Nigerian song writer who is the current oga of video moves embraced by YouTube and Tik Tok dance challenges. Having said that, power to you if you have a new job. The problem is fitting in. Your qualifications or 5 years’ experience in your chosen field won’t help you enjoy the job, if you cannot fit in.

I was never a coffee person but I warmed up to it because it was what my colleagues at a government ministry liked. Our department trooped out to a coffee shop nearby during morning and afternoon breaks. I memorized names of coffee beans so that I could take part in small talk.

Friday was exciting because it was Casual Friday, jeans and running shoes. It was also special because someone would bring a box of doughnuts and leave it at reception. They would sing praises of toppings, jelly and cream. I was a good student, so one day I brought the doughnuts.

I turned a blind eye to all that sugar. After all, it was just one day a week. I ate half a doughnut because I had to fit in. After all, I was lucky to work with a bunch of people who respected my skills, as a writer.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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