Credit Card Soliciting

Look at the deadline for this card. It means I have enough time to apply. The problem is the annual fee. I thought it was cards with solid colours like blue, green or black that still charge an annual fee. Do you know anyone who carries a black credit card? Wow! Talk about power friends.

I don’t need it because I’m still in the red with the in-house one. You may know this particular card with the March 13 application deadline because they regularly plant the ad in mailboxes. They even include a fake card on the flyer.

I never understood the marketing campaign because I assumed the whole world has a credit card, more than three if your job assigned you one because you travel up and down, or take clients to lunch to milk them for trade secrets.

I won’t apply for it but I’m just worried about the fact that I did not thrash the ad. I sat down and actually read all about the credit limit, purchase fees and the punishment for borrowing cash. Does that tell me something? Maybe it’s the nagging feeling about the in-house card, which is not going down like a deflated souffle, despite monthly payments.

Stay strong baby girl. Don’t even think about it. Concentrate of eliminating the mess on the current card.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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