Young Single and Tech

Labour shortage. It is mainly happening in minimum wage jobs for a number of reasons. The internet is one of them. Many kids in Canada and U.S. still have part time jobs on campus, hamburger and fries places, jeans store or stocking grocery shelves. They need the money because they are not trust fund kids.

However, there is a large part of that work force that has a dream: to be  young, single and technology. No, they don’t want to go to MIT or University of British Columbia to study IT. They want short cuts. They don’t want to deliver pizza to 18-year old customers that make easy money online. Besides, the internet is peppered with making money, NO EXPERIENCE necessary schemes. Online followers also follow not just a face, but a face that is a possibility.

Let the government and Chambers of Commerce worry about labour shortage. Kids that want to be young, single and tech do not want to wake up at the crack of dawn for minimum wage  jobs and set work hours, when they can make money in bed with their laptops.

Parents think about them when they read about labour shortage. Kids don’t want to hear any: “When I was your age, there was no minimum wage, but after school jobs bought my first second car” stories.

Labour shortage is here to stay, as long as there are internet dreams of being young, single and tech.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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