Gas Tank Half Empty

Photo credit: Online pic.

It’s a state of mind. It is also related to your bank account. If it’s always half empty, it will translate into a half empty gas tank. Rich people are in the half full mode. Don’t even ask billionaires about the gas tank. They don’t know. They have people called fleet managers, that worry about gas, oil change and snow tires. They also have private planes.

All societies teach kids to say the glass is half full. It’s called positive upbringing. Kids must look ahead and think the glass will be full at some stage, because they are young and the future looks bright.

Kids grow up and see parents struggling to bring them up on less than half a gas tank. They become adults and change the script to reality. Which is? Dad has a jerry can in the trunk, because he can run out of gas at any time.

I’m an advocate of a full gas tank because whatever happens, the car must take me home or to my destination. I cannot run out of gas on a lonely country road. A colleague believes the opposite. She never fills the gas tank because of car hijackers.

She figures they won’t get far if the tank is hovering on empty. That attitude reveals her situation and where she lives. In a country like Canada, most people have cars or use public transport, so hijacking is practically non-existent.

The gas tank also relates to dreams. It’s irritating listening to Oprah, wealthy TV preachers or Denzel Washington talking about holding on to your dream and working hard. For millions of people, the dream gas tank is not only half empty. It is empty, even if they put life savings into it.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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