Winter Triple Jump

People smile more during the summer. Sometimes I look behind me to see who is making them smile. Alright. They’re smiling at me. Then it clicks. It’s summer time.

Well! Not today @ -27. No smiles in winter, so you must keep yourself amused otherwise you’ll lose your mind. Maybe they do smile. I just don’t see it because of the triple jump around their faces: the COVID-19 mask, the ski jacket that crosses the border and goes up to the nose, and the free Winnipeg Jets scarf from one bank. Knowing banks, there was a catch. There’s no free lunch in America? Change America to: at the bank.


That was the face. The body triple jump takes 20 minutes, max. First is the normal underwear, clean underwear. I’m mama’s daughter and she insisted on it, in case I was involved in an accident or the school sent me home because I fainted.

The second jump is thermal underwear, top to bottom. Funny though, tights/leggings are good at multi-tasking. They are out in the open during the summer. They go under cover in winter and function as thermal underwear.

The third jump is a warm top or those plaid shirts lined with fake fur. Brave folks wear tops with polo necks. I don’t like them. The idea of something around my neck conjures up images of French history and the guillotine.

Triple jump done, then the heavy coat, plus two scarves. Isn’t that jump #4? No, it isn’t. I’ll peel them off when I get to meeting, dentist, whatever.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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