Sign Language Good For Work

There are microphones every where and they are ‘live’. We can’t breathe without somebody recording it with a cellphone. That is even better because we can see it. There are many hidden mics we don’t know about. A belt may not be a belt. A necklace might not be a necklace. Headphones might not be headphones.

That’s why we must learn sign language as a second language, or fourth language for brilliant folks. Speaking more than three languages is a sign of intelligence. Speaking only one is a sign of privilege and power, we carry along to vacation spots. Do you speak English?

Why should we learn sign language? Because the world is one microphone where, what we thought we whispered to a friend, was taped. We get a shock when we hear it on the internet.

1. We should learn sign language to speak with other human beings, something we forget. Deaf people are human beings.

2. We should learn sign language if we are in contact sports. NBA stars give each other signs on the floor. Baseball has standard signs.

3. We should learn sign language if we work in crowded places: schools, kindergarten, conferences, media briefings, religious places, concert halls etc.

The fun part about sign language is that it is common sense. Try and guess how to sign the following: small kids, sunglasses, laptop, desk, bell, earrings, bracelet, oven, muffins, think, angry or family.

Remember, all microphones are live, so be careful what you say in a crowded room.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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