Green Party's Autopilot

Jonathan Pedneault and Elizabeth May, Green Party co-leaders. Photo Credit: online pic.

Elizabeth May is back on the air as the autopilot of the Green Party of Canada. Yes, autopilot although she announced this November, that Jonathan Pedneault is the Party’s co-leader. When he accepted the position, he secretly vowed that he will never step on her toes.

The Green Party of Canada should be re-named May’s Green Property, because of how she systematically destroyed Annamie Paul, the last leader. During her short leadership, Paul made changes that were good for the Party, but were going to be detrimental to Elizabeth May, its owner. Jonathan Pedneault understands that.

In July, the Party announced that the new leader will be under continual review by the federal council. Elizabeth May is the Council. Her name is on the lease. Now that she is the co-leader, she will review herself. You might think that is a conflict of interest, but it isn’t.

The Green Party of Canada will review Jonathan Pedneault the co-leader, not Elizabeth May, the owner. Annamie Paul was aware of that when she was leader, so she compromised on some things but that was not enough for Elizabeth May.

Jonathan Pedneault must triple the compromise, otherwise he will get a negative council review; will be dragged through the court system; refused election funds and support and will have his name muddied, by what Elizabeth May calls Party ‘die-hards.’

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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