Banks Fake Santa Claus

2020 Pandemic. Santa keep your distance.

Banks always sharpen their claws in November in preparation for Black Friday sales, but they won’t get me. I’m wearing a solid Wakanda Forever mask for protection.

It’s an open secret that I’m not a scientist although my mother was. Don’t sleep in the sun, you’ll get sick. Mama was a scientist but it doesn’t need rock science to know why banks increase the credit card limit in November. You’ve also noticed an avalanche of offers for new cards.

Advertising tells us it is the season to be merry, to shower family and friends with love, starting with Black Friday. That is old news because department stores have buying incentives called ‘family and friends.’ I don’t understand it. Who else do we buy for? My aunts and uncles bought things for us all the time.

Banks are fake Santa because they increase the credit card  limit for one selfish reason: interest. They know we swipe and tap it away then fail to make the minimum $20 monthly payment. It’s our reality because kids go back to school in January and they need this and that.

Guess what? Teachers also tell them they need laptops. Laptops for four kids? How is that possible if both parents are in part time minimum wage jobs? If banks want to play Santa, they must increase credit card limits in January.

Some people ignore the increase because they are still paying interest from last year’s Christmas shopping.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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