NDP Liberal Party and Flossing

Liberal Party of Canada leader = Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

New Democratic Party leader (NDP) = Jagmeet Singh

Photo Credit: Online pic.

These leaders are finally in the dental business: flossing and x-rays when we visit the dentist. Well! It’s not hands on, more on the policy side to ensure that Canadians have healthy teeth at an early age.

If you can’t beat them, join them. The NDP and Liberal Party have a working arrangement of, you scratch my back I scratch yours. Justin Trudeau became Prime Minister for the second time around but his hands are tied. He didn’t get enough votes to form a majority government.

He knew that the Conservative Party will block most of his bills. Nothing personal. It’s what the opposition does. He sat down with Jagmeet Singh and mapped out a working arrangement. I don’t know who called who first, probably Trudeau though. He is the one in the bottle.

Jagmeet Singh said I’ll help you provided you push some policies that are close to the NDP’s heart. One of them was healthy teeth for little Canadians under 12, and whose parents earn under $90,000 a year.

Trudeau said I’ll do it. That is how Bill-C - 31 was born. Now it is law. Parents will take kids to the dentist and the government will foot the bill. Caution. They might be suspicious and not use it because the government gives a ‘free’ benefit with one hand and taxes it with the other.

In 2020, Canadians thought it was giving them ‘free’ money to help them through the pandemic. There’s no free lunch in Canada. It regarded those emergency relief checks as income. Tax time came and surprise surprise! They owed the government.

That also affected monthly seniors’ benefits like the Guaranteed Income Supplement. The computer cut them down because it regards pandemic money as ‘income.’ Therefore, parents should study this dental law carefully, before they take little Pierre or Shantel to the dentist.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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