Georgia Senate Run-Off Amazolo

Trump supported fellow Republican Kelly Loeffler against Democrat Ralph Warnock 
during the 2020 Senate race and subsequent run-off. 

Dew is amazolo in Zulu, a language whose umbilical cord is buried in KwaZulu Natal Province in South Africa.

What does that have to do with 2022 Georgia Senate Run-Off? Amazolo  is dew and literally means drops of water that fell on plants and grass the previous day. Yesterday is called izolo in Zulu.

Our ancestors, architects of the Zulu language easily observed nature because they walked: no cars, trains, buses, cabs or planes back then. They woke up at the crack of dawn and walked through amazolo (dew). Boys experienced dew in the morning, when they took out cattle for grazing.

We are using the amazolo analogy because Georgia is in a senate runoff because of what happened izolo (yesterday).


1. Yesterday in 2019, Johnny Isakson who was Georgia’s U.S. senator resigned. Republican governor Brian Kemp appointed Kelly Loeffler to fill the remaining two years Isakson left behind.

2. Yesterday in 2020, Kelly Loefflter ran for U.S. Senate. Democrats fielded Reverend Ralph Warnock. Both failed to get 50% of the vote so there was a run-off election.

3. Yesterday, on 6 January 2021 Warnock won the run-off and went to Washington as Georgia’s Senator.

4. Today in 2022, Warnock is defending his Senate seat against Herschel Walker, the Republican Party candidate.

Therefore, the up-coming 6 December Georgia senate run-off election is the result of amazolo (dew), that happened yesterday, izolo.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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