Monday Self Evaluation Day


Gabrielle Union (51) actress.

Old blog 31 July 2023, about Monday, my fav day.

Monday is a bad day. Let’s re-name it self-evaluation day. It is when traffic is the heaviest and mirrors the clearest. That's why I’m having second thoughts about my waist and the reason why I pose for pictures side ways, not full frontal.

Self-evaluation tells me I'm responsible for my waist line, which has so many potholes, it looks like a country road. The government is not to blame for a change. It’s amazing how we take personal decisions injurious to our physical and mental health, then blame the government. 

Fine. Sometimes it is to blame when it overpays us. We  use the money and a year later it realizes its mistake and we must re-pay. We use most of it to buy food, which is partly responsible for the beleaguered waist line. Partly responsible because every body part is a work of art and genius. Genius because the body has limits. I cook, taste and eat. The stomach complains when I over eat. There is slight pain warning me enough is enough. I ignore it because the food is so delicious, I must have a second helping. Sometimes I taste so much when I’m cooking, there’s no need to eat anymore. Stomach full.

We get sick or die because we ignore warnings from body parts. We understand speed limits, drinking limits, why trucks have weighing stations, hand luggage has a limit, elevators allow a certain number of people and other restrictions, but we don’t have limits for the body. My tummy is a cry for help. Mondays. I don’t like them because I don’t like introspection.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.



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