Voting For 60%

Voting needs differ. For most parents, it's good schools and their distance from home. Other voters want a president they can be proud of when they are abroad.

Voting is a right. An American right. To most onlookers around to world, it’s a privilege because it’s something they don’t have. That’s why voter suppression laws in the South, re-engineering voting boundaries and other tactics to prevent black people from exercising that right, are a blemish on America.

It is a right exercised alone in a voting booth, but determines the fate of the nation. It made Donald Trump President of the U.S.A. in 2016. He wants a second helping of the White House pie. That’s why he is running for president this 2024.

What transpired in his life between 2016 - 2024, is immaterial to his staunch supporters. They will still vote for him, but new fans must look at the package closely and see if they truly want it. Think of your previous vote: George W. Bush, Barack Obama and current president Joe Biden. You didn’t like some aspects of the package but you decided the positive outweighed the negative, and your decision? I can live with that. The total package worked for you.

The total package in question is both personal and circumstantial. It affects your family. It affects your business or wages if you are employed. It affects your taxes. It affects the river where kids like to swim. That’s why you don’t want City Hall to allow companies to throw chemical waste in there. You weigh all these things because you want to vote for the presidential nominee with your total package. He doesn’t exist, so you make do with 60%, and vote for him.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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