Transfer Portal The Solo Dance

Dance With Me, director Randa Haines.

The transfer portal is like a dance. Which dance? Good question, because dance is not artificial intelligence (AI) which roams about like a thief, identifying what to steal, modify, copyright and sell. I swear, one day they will package the air we breath and sell it. Dance is born in a country. It is also created by a situation.

Ballroom dancing: man holds woman, swirls her around on the dance floor among ten other swirling couples. They are doing the waltz.

Latin Ballroom dancing: it is called something else in Puerto Rico, Cuba and Spain, but it is the same rule, man holds woman, but she is a rebel, breaks free from the man as in Dance With Me starring Vanessa Williams and Chayanne, the famous singer born in Puerto Rico.

Ballet: man holds woman, she tiptoes trying to run away, man grabs her and throws her in the air, then catches her so she can know her place in this life.

Figure skating: same as ballet, woman trying to break free using her skates.

Dance, in its original form was motion, many people moving together imitating a falcon, a bear, a lion, a river, the ocean, corn in the breeze, anything they ‘lived’ with, if we can put it that way. It was not ‘captivity’ like the examples above.

Dance, in its original form happened in a circle, because communities were one. They suffered collectively from nature’s anger and benefited collectively from a good harvest or hunt. Enter football, in a country called America. The transfer portal is a dance controlled by the player. He is the men’s category in figure skating. Just him and the ice. Let players dance from Bama to Yukon, it’s the American way. Just stop heaping the blame on Colorado University Head Coach, Deion Sanders ‘Coach Prime.’ The cartel built the football structure, before he got here.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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