Prices Gone Mad

Farmers' Market 2024.

That’s it. From now on, I’ll sleep with one eye because every time I go to sleep, I wake up to a new price of yogurt, chick peas, rice whatever. 
I’ll sleep with one eye with the hope of catching prices red-handed.

“Gotcha! This price cannot go up. It went up three months ago.”

What can I say? I ran out of eye drops so I went to the drugstore today. What? $13.99? I swear the same 15ml bottle was $8.99 around Christmas, last year. Why the Olympic Games high jump? Surely, price hikes should be small increments. Something lifted my spirits on the shelf with kitchen cleaning products. I saw an air freshener I had thought was discontinued. There it was, but in a new bottle. What $5.99? What happened to $2.99 before it disappeared? Then it hit me. The bottle. They designed a new bottle and they are now passing the cost to the consumer. Talk about consumer abuse. I didn’t say they should change the bottle so, let it sit there on the shelf, until it disappears again.

Ha! Ha! Consumers are not that dumb. I like looking at the store ice cream fridge, just a peek you understand. What gives me great joy is that most of the designer flavors like buttermilk and chocolate, strawberry and nuts, mint and barley and other strange combinations, are on sale. Yes Maa’m. They are always on sale. The consumer strikes back. What was wrong with good old vanilla or chocolate. Ha! Ha!

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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