War Hero Congress Hero

The campaign trail. It’s not all about kissing babies, which COVID-19 stopped. It’s about politicians saying meaningless things like, I want to serve my country.

That is why going overseas to fight American wars should be part of the package. U.S. Senators must leave their air-conditioned offices and go to ditches and desserts, in times of fresh wars.

Members of parliament in Canada and the United Kingdom too. Members of Germany’s Bundestag too. Members of Japan’s Diet too. Members of Parlamento Italiano too.

While there are many Congress members who once served in the U.S. army before their political careers, serving in the army or navy during current wars, should be mandatory.

They are the best people to die for their country because they approve staggering budgets for killing citizens of foreign countries.

Politicians run for office various reasons. They want:

To make things better for people in their cities, provinces or states.

To protect the status quo, e.g. privileged economic status.

To reverse voting rights in America.

To protect insider trading in politics.

To protect obnoxious political traditions like gerrymandering and the filibuster.

To enjoy perks of being a member of Congress or House of Commons

To establish political futures for their children.

 Why should elected politicians leave their constituencies and states and go and fight in on-going wars? Because war on the ground, the air and sea is a different ball game from war strategies they voted for.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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