Online Judges

Judgement day. Christians believe in it, particularly poor Christians.  Millionaires are too busy enjoying the life money buys, to worry about after-death dinner parties in heaven.

The internet is also unique as a judgement forum because it bypasses lower courts and zooms to the supreme court. It is also the most lethal revenge weapon because it destroys lives. When love turns sour, some women are on record for, ‘I’ll destroy him on social media.

Judgement was here long before the internet. It will always be here because of opposites. Right and wrong. Judges are guided by law of the land found in big books and precedents, especially in English common law, but not human beings.

The judge is right, the judge-ee is wrong. Judges are right because of their lives which they want to impose on others.  A common example is church. Friends that don’t go to church are not living right. That’s someone’s judgement.

Worse still, are judges that used to do unconventional things with their bodies and money in the spirit of ‘it’s my life’. Well and good. Any round object rotates, so does life. They turn a new leaf after getting sick or sent to prison. They start hounding family and friends about finding Jesus and being born again.

Women are mostly judgement recipients because of religion and culture. It’s so bad there are women who don’t do Thanksgiving and other family gatherings because of judgement. They dread the question: when are you getting married and have kids? Same with television interviews. Men don’t get this question.

Judgement and criticism, are they one and the same thing? Yes, because of the opposites: right and wrong. I’m on this side of the river so I’m right. You are on the other side. You’re wrong and you better cross over.

Judgement continues to injure families and friends. Some relationships are salvaged, others go down the drain.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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