Girls in a Bottle

School girls are expected to be 'sexy.  It doesn't apply to boys.

A message in a bottle, used to be one of Hollywood’s favourite story lines. The bottle trampolined on high and low seas until it landed on the shore, somewhere in the U.S. where a man (always a man) read the message. In true Hollywood fashion, boy met girl and they lived happily ever after.

Unfortunately, this fairy tale is alive and well in western countries where girls are free, and not constrained by culture and religion. This wish leads to some corking themselves in a bottle with the hope that they’ll land at the feet of financially stable and men worthy of a GQ magazine cover.

Few girls see this fairy tale come true for two reasons. Number 1, supply and demand. The internet has more girls on show than men, they consider eligible. Secondly, boys are born free to do many things: sports, adventure, online gambling, develop apps, create music; stay out late with other boys, etc.

Therefore, they have few hours to think about girls or to be with them. Girls on the other hand buy clothes, style hair and paint their faces with boys in mind. It is easy to blame society for conditioning girls to be inside the bottle waiting, while boys ride the waves.

Girls themselves should decide what they want. Take the call to be sexy for example. They are free to embrace or reject it. It is their choice. Do they want to enjoy their youth and ride the waves like boys or, do they want to spend the best time of their lives locked in a bottle, with perfect make-up and sexy clothes, waiting?

Girls in societies that function inside a religious circle don’t have a choice. 

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang. 


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