Driving Instructors We Fondly Remember

Rules about following or trying to cut the school bus, are not negotiable. So, freeze your ego. 

Do you remember the name of your driving instructor? We don’t mean parents, brothers or sisters. Depends on how old you are, I guess.  

When I see bad drivers who want to swipe my pedestrian behind, I always remember the last driving instructor I had, before I went for the test. He taught me the mechanics of the beast: clutch, gears, brake pedal, that sort of thing, but he also taught me about human beasts on the steering wheel.

He had predictions. The driver in front will not brake on time, so this is what you do. That one will jump the light, so do this. He grilled the importance of indicating early because drivers behind me are not God. They don’t know what’s on my mind. If you happen to follow me, please don’t be irritated if I indicate too much. I indicate to change lanes. Shopping mall car parks in Canada and U.S. are massive. That’s why I indicate when I turn left or right within a car park.

Therefore, it baffles me when drivers indicate when they’ve already taken the corner at the traffic light. What’s the point? If it wasn’t dangerous, it would be funny. Driving instructors are the forgotten support workers that raised us.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.



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