Cauliflower Divorce

Divorce is the end of the road, an unfortunate situation, especially for kids. Scientists also divorce nature, by taking a fruit or vegetable and mixing it with something else, to create ‘new’ food.

I suspect that is what happened to cauliflower because I don’t know how flour entered the cabbage. Flour is man-made, cabbage is natural. How then did they get married and changed the name to cauliflower? Is it a parasite? I once took a picture of a parasite on a tree. It was a cross between a mushroom and sheep’s natural coat. It gave me goose bumps.

I don’t like cauliflower. I also don’t like cabbage because we ate it a lot when we were poor. I’m discussing cauliflower today because of its price, that has gone bonkers. When we write about or discuss inflation on podcasts, we must use cauliflower as an addendum. The latest price (April 2023) for one head is $6 dollars depending where you are in Canada. We thought $4 was expensive until the price reached $6.49.

What’s the solution? Divorce. Separate flour and cabbage. It’s  the only way to bring down the price. Most veggies are put on a scale, then priced. The flour’s weight shoots up the price. Therefore, it’s imperative that Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada conducts some tests for the divorce.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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