Georgia Power of Fringe Voters

 I didn’t vote for him.

Voters deny their choice when things go wrong , especially in almost ‘till death do us part’ institutions like the Senate and Supreme Court. Voters are also blamed as a class, the middle class for example.

I don’t know the meaning of middle class because we all eat, drink and pee. Therefore we cannot have a front class, middle and back class, but it is quite common for voters to abandon original allegiances based on race, religion, gender or immigration.

In the case of Georgia, it is assumed that part of the middle class are individuals that left cities like L.A., New York or Chicago, and moved to Atlanta for a myriad of reasons. Property for example. They were born in apartments, grew up in high rise buildings or walk-ups, got married in apartments and had kids in apartments. They could never afford a stand-alone house in these cities. In Georgia, they bought houses with space, like a backyard.

I’m going to take a guess and say the middle class consists of people with a choice: to leave big cities for better opportunities and ability to buy property. That choice extends to voting. They are not bound by how they voted when they were 21 or how they followed parents’ voting patterns.

However, they know that the freedom of choice is limited when it comes to voting for almost till death do us part’ institutions like the Senate. It’s lonely in the voting booth, just yourself, but in Georgia, stakes are high in this 2022 Senate Run Off.

That’s why the middle class will vote individually, but collectively so that they don’t cringe in future when they see their choice on the Senate floor.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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