Campaign Volunteers Pure Platinum

Monday December 5 was like a swamp, something was pulling me down. I knew what it was: Georgia, U.S. The following day, December 6 was the  Senate Run Off Election.

The swamp feeling continued the whole day. I avoided irritating online alerts about the tight race between Ralph Warnock and Herschel Walker. That’s behind us now. Georgia voters don’t fight dirty, they fight under water and here we are, Ralph Warnock did not lose his calling card. U.S. Senator.

I was tired and scared for Georgia. Scared? Yes, because of the scar Donald Trump left on America’s election physique. Men with money can call each other and demand ‘Georgia’ to protect current and future blood sucking schemes.

“We must nail Georgia otherwise this deal tanks.” 

Campaign Teams

I was tired from anxiety but I felt better yesterday. Cobwebs moved away. I realized that Georgia is made of sterner stuff. No matter how many Run Off elections, they were not tired of democracy. Call them D-Men and D-Women.

How could I be tired when Ralph Warnock’s campaign team was not? Eyes are trained on the prize, the candidate. We seldom think about campaign crews in the main office and feeder crews on farms, online, film studios, barbershops, pavements, church and volunteers who risk their lives knocking on doors.

They did not experience that swamp, pull-down feeling. I guess I did because I’m not in Georgia’s shoes. They will never be tired of fighting for democracy despite SB202, the voter suppression law anchored in Donald Trump’s lie.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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