Zulu Lesson Who Are You?

Who are you? Who won the ‘22 Quebec provincial election? Who will win the ‘22 U.S. Midterms in November?

Who, is ba-ni in Zulu. When you visit southern Africa, people will ask you your name (i-ga-ma). You’ll tell them and also say you are from Brazil, Cuba, Germany, Korea, Japan,  Portugal, Ireland or Ukraine.

Who are you? Don't you recognize me? No. You're wearing a mask. 

The question is more detailed for South Africans who still live in close-knit communities, both rural and urban. The answer should include your last name, your father’s name and grandfather’s.  This was important in the olden days because certain families lived in certain parts of the land e.g. above a river or under a mountain range.

Who broke the window? Accidents happen when boys play soccer or cricket nearby. 

Ba-ni.  The first part is pronounced like Miami Heat basketball player Femi Adebayo, and the second part like neat.



U-ba-ni i-ga-ma la-kho?

What is your name?


Who are you?

U-ba-ni o-ngqo-ngqo-za-yo?

Who is knocking?

U-ba-ni lo?

Who is this?


It is mother.

U-ba-ni lo?

Who is this?


It is father.

U-ba-ni lo?

Who is this?


She is my sister.

O-ba-ni la-ba?

Who are they?

Si-fu-nda na-bo.

They are classmates.

O-ba-ni a-ma-ga-ma a-bo?

What are their names?

U-Linda, no-Sesame no-Viktor.

They are Linda, Sesame and Viktor.

By:  Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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