Flat Tire Compulsory Education for Girls

The internet and the possibility of instant wealth is driving kids to technology-related subjects. There are many apps out there that were developed by men and women, barely 25 years of age.

However, there is education that should be compulsory for girls like changing flat tires. Girls in Europe, Australia, and north America have cars in their teens. Therefore, it makes sense they should be exposed to basic auto care like changing a flat tire. Their life might depend on it e.g. car puncture in the middle of the night on a dark road.

No problem. Call car service, but the phone battery might be dead. Yes, car maintenance companies offer the changing flat tire service and some men use it, because they don’t relish the idea of getting their hands and expensive suits dirty.

There are many women who know how to change a flat tire because they learned it in trade schools or were exposed to the experience, and I don’t mean YouTube.

They watched fathers, uncles, cousins and brothers do it. Some had parents who owned garages or auto shops. Therefore, family is the starting point for compulsory mechanical education for girls, and changing a flat tire in particular.

Why? Because most women were not exposed to it. They are not dumb.  Examples. I know a lot about Masonite wood, turpentine and thinner because my father was a carpenter and a painter. Cars manufactured in north America are automatic transmission. Therefore, most drivers don’t know how to drive stick shift. They’re not dumb. It’s all about exposure.

Compulsory instruction for girls on how to change a tire, should be in-built in high school education. Schools can sub-contract the job to local auto shops. It’s a safety issue.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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