Meat Crew vs Gardenia

Cook apples, onion and tomato in olive oil for 5m (to preserve crunchy crunchy). 
Brush sirloin steak with black pepper. Fry in butter in high heat for 5m max.

The feud between vegetarians and meat lovers is not necessary, because we all food.  You got that right, we all food. 

It’s not a matter of us and them.  It is ending the life of a cucumber or rabbit so that we can eat.  People don’t eat meat for a variety of reasons: religion, how animals are raised and how they are prepared for slaughter and subsequent marketing.  

It should also be noted that there are many people around the world who eat meat for religious reasons and even offer it to their gods.

Beetroot, broccoli, yams and spinach routinely lose their life to make a vegetarian meal.  They lived happily in the soil until someone harvested them for the supermarket or farmer’s pot. 

Moral superiority.  Vegetarians cannot claim that their choice is morally superior because they eat dead veggies.  Equally, meat lovers cannot dismiss vegetarian fare as non-food or ‘rabbit food.’

I saw ‘cook books’ about raw food at the book store the other day.  Those raw vegetables were also yanked from their natural habitat and placed on a plate for consumption.

The world is round, so is food.  People in Mongolia eat what they have around them and those who live next to the sea or rivers eat what nature provides.  Living things die so that humans can have food.

The turkey feels the pain when its life ends for Thanksgiving or Christmas.  Equally, the pumpkin cries when it is removed from its sunny home, covered by broad leaves.

It is plain mathematics: vegetables + meat + fish = food.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang



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