Summer Camps Survival With No Cash

There are no matches. How will we get a fire going? 

Joe Blow, creator of the first artificial intelligence (AI) cooking app is worth $50 billion. Yes, you’re hungry and you feel like paella. You won’t fly to Spain, which is famous for this dish.

The app tells pots and pans to get on with it. They rattle out of the pot drawer and stand poised on the stove. Vegetables open the fridge and exit. They chop themselves, while the rice is rinsing itself. AI turns on the stove to the right temperature and cooking begins.

There’s no Joe Blow and there’s no such app, but that’s how we define human beings. Net worth. What I don’t like is that you won’t find it next to my name, if you Google me. Boo! hoo! Granted, we live in the Wi-Fi century but our value should be based on survival skills, outside electricity and technology.

That’s why there are summer camps to introduce kids to survival in the wilderness. The wilderness might be a 20 minutes’ drive away, in a plot of land some developer is eyeing for a condo golf course estate. He’s working on some politicians and with the right price, the wilderness will be re-zoned residential.

Kids will find the wilderness spooky because they’ll learn to walk in the dark, not dark really, because the moon is a torchlight, not the one in your phone. They won’t be able to sleep because the wilderness has night sounds. If you listen carefully, you’ll hear the conversation. Kids will learn how to make a fire by rubbing two stones. They’ll understand that size matters, the small twigs start the fire, bigger sticks hold it.

Hopefully, the summer camp will have no Wi-Fi for a week, so kids will not send false emergency messages like: DAD PLEASE COME AND GET ME.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang. 


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