Queen Must Cancel Loans to Africa

Gold sold in pounds or euros abroad, miners paid in local currency.
Photo credit, online pic.

No amount of British loans will ever restore Africa to its natural state. Therefore, the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee must at least try by canceling British loans to Africa.

They are not loans because Britain never had title to the land. British loans are fraud because it is asking Africa and other colonies to pay for what was fraudulently taken from them, their land. How would The Queen feel if somebody stormed Buckingham Palace and forced her to pay rent in perpetuity?

Britain and all G7 countries must cancel loans to Africa. They are not about development. They are on-going exploitation started by invaders in what is known as the Scramble for Africa, full of black people who did not know that land could be bought and sold. That is why they were called barbarians.

British schoolkids are taught lies, that Britain brought civilization to Africa. It was theft and burglary, something that is part of criminal law.

Breaking the law ends in jail or deprives offenders certain rights. That is why the Queen should cancel loans to Africa as retroactive punishment for destroying Africa for brass pennies, leaving the question, 'Mummy why are black people so poor?'

Countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific where English is the official language will not celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee for obvious reasons. It will be like slaves celebrating the master’s whip.

The master’s whip is alive and well in 2022 in the form of British loans to former colonies. They can never be repaid, because of interest, same way your parents died without paying off the mortgage.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang. 


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