A Boxing Gym At Home

Photo credit: online pic.

Professional boxers practically live at the gym because they must keep fit. They have no choice. It’s an occupational hazard.

We, the masses do not prepare for any boxing championships. We just go to the gym to be healthy and to tone misbehaving body parts. We also sign up for gym membership because of specialized equipment, which includes items normally found in what we can call boxing gyms.

But we can do some boxing exercise routines at home. Sometimes the weather is so bad, we don’t feel like stepping out of the house, let alone starting the car, which might say, hell no! I ain't going

Let's start with the skipping rope. Boxers like using it. It’s a piece of equipment that is very cheap. It is also portable. It can be a permanent resident in your sports bag, if you fly a lot.

Some people go to the gym to punch the heavy bag. You can make your own at home. Simply stuff pillows in double garbage bags and place it where you can punch it. It’s not as solid as a heavy bag, but it is mental simulation. Think of a treadmill. You don’t actually run. You pretend to be running.

Boxers like punching speed bags, normally situated above their heads. Bags spring back for more punishment and the boxer keeps punching. You can do that at home, although you don’t have speed bags. Just keep rotating your fists. You'll get compliments for those toned arms. 

The point is, we go to health clubs if we can afford it and have time, but that doesn’t mean we cannot do some of the gym stuff at home. We just have to be creative.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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