Internet Cripples English and French

The internet is on the rampage, destroying languages that came from what is known as G7 countries. Anybody who doesn’t understand online languages is less of a human being, like my ancestors the royal family called barbarians, because they did not speak English.

Canada has two official languages, English and French. OFFICIAL stands for England and France the countries that invaded the land. Portuguese used to be the official language in Goa India. Guess why?

English and French are walking in crutches. The internet has a main language and tributaries. I don’t understand the main language myself because I’m not a computer science graduate. Hell! I don’t even understand the animal they call ‘cookies.’

English and French destroyed languages they found in their 'possessions.' Twins are not just two babies growing in a woman’s womb. The land and language are also twins. We were caned in school for speaking Zulu, Xhosa, Igbo, Gikuyu, Shona or Sesotho. English ‘missionaries’ that taught in these schools are still alive in England. Let them tell their story.

The internet is pay back time. It has its own language whose main intention is to chop chop chop English and French or stain them into nothingness.

The dictionary is unemployed. Its final destination is the sea. It came in ships, bearing flour, salt, sugar, gin, whiskey, small pox, measles, influenza, malnutrition and the mirror.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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