Summer Camp for City Kids

Not all Canadian parents can afford to send kids abroad for the summer.

Summer is special in Europe, Canada and the U.S. No snow, days are longer and there’s no school.

That’s the problem right there. Parents are glad they don’t have to drag kids out of bed to get ready for the school bus, or drop -off, but they worry what kids will be up to the whole summer, as in the classic movie Home Alone.

Parents with less-paying jobs are the most anxious. They don’t have resources for overseas vacation, cross country road trips or lazing about at the cottage in Ontario Canada or Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts.

Grandparents who live out of town are an option. Younger kids like the idea of swimming, fishing or playing soccer or cricket with their cousins all summer long, but teens might not relish the idea.

Parents worry about this age group because not all teenagers have summer jobs. Idle boys might be initiated into crime. With no supervision during the day, girls might end with unwanted pregnancy. Some parents avoid these dangers by scheduling leave during the summer, although it’s just for a few weeks, in most cases.

Depending on kids’ age and interest, parents can register for available city or province/state summer programs. It could be swimming lessons or day trips to the wilderness. Some farmers also have fun agricultural activities like strawberry picking.

Parents can also talk to teachers. They might have ideas on how to keep city kids occupied during the summer.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang. 


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