Lost Your Job? Start a Church

 "I don’t go to church. I just give them money.”

From rapper to pastor Joseph Simmons.

I remember my uncle’s declaration like it was yesterday. Yes, he could afford the donation because he was a successful businessman, but I couldn’t understand how he could say a terrible thing like that.

I was a schoolgirl then and we were subjects of the Queen of England. We sang God Save the Queen and worshipped her spiritual person, Jesus Christ. I’m older and wiser now but I still find it hard to believe that church is an industry. Anybody can become a pastor.

Traditional religious sects are there for the money, so do storefront churches. Money is the root of all evil. That’s why religious heads fight from time to time and part company. 

There many court cases in Canada, U.S., South Africa and Nigeria about breaking away from the parent church to form your own. Indeed, in some cases the pastor and his wife have a fallout.  She forms her own church after the divorce.

So, next time you find yourself unemployed or unemployable, start a church. All you need is an old Bible from Goodwill and a good voice, to shout the message that Jesus died for sinners like you. Also tell your congregation why millionaires and billionaires don’t go to church.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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