Prince Harry Wedding Anniversary May 19

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry got married 19 May 2018. His mother Diana smiled in her grave when her son found happiness.

When Meghan Markle became pregnant after her 19 May, 2018 wedding to Prince Harry, I said their first child will be a boy. I called him Commonwealth and wrote a piece.

Vintage Blog

That is the most appropriate name for Meghan Markle’s son because his father is the descendant of a family that exercises what is called the divine right of kings.  

We don’t know his father’s last name because his parents are not referred to as Mr. and Mrs. somebody.  We also don’t know if they have a social security number or pay tax.

What we know is that Commonwealth’s parents are globe-trotters because the sun never sets on what was known as the British Empire, with tentacles reaching Africa, Australia, Caribbean, China, India, North America, New Zealand and everywhere where the British navy landed, took land through the barrel of the gun, imprisoned local kings, instituted British education to drive the money economy, punished kids for speaking African languages and corrupted conquered the mind with the bible.  

The birth of Commonwealth, Meghan Markle’s son should be put in its historical, political and economic context, especially economic.  British colonies were about money, free gold, silver, coal, copper, sugar cane and everything else that could be mined or harvested.   

That is where Britain’s wealth comes from and Commonwealth should know that.  The best person to tell Meghan Markle’s son about the great land robbery is his great grandmother the present Queen of England because she doesn’t hide it.  

She always wears gloves, including shaking hands of all those Commonwealth heads of state.  The divine right of kings does not permit her to shake hands of immortals.

Commonwealth should know this because he is likely to follow in his father’s footsteps and visit ‘underprivileged’ kids in Africa and Australia.  What was Africa’s condition before the British navy landed?  That is the pertinent question bearing in mind the rolling success of Black Panther, a movie about Wakanda, a fictitious country rich in vibranium, directed by Ryan Coogler for Marvel/Disney.

Britain stayed for the minerals and for the rivers, the vegetation, the weather.  There were no slums, TB, smallpox or malnutrition, because local people lived in harmony with the land.  Britain called it primitive. Commonwealth, and his father Prince Harry should be talking about the reason behind ‘underprivileged kids.’  He should tell his son about how Britain underdeveloped Africa, to tweak Walter Rodney’s book. How Europe Underdeveloped Africa.

Failure to do so leads to the belief that poverty is intrinsically African and black and needs British royalty to alleviate it.  So-called ‘British civilisation’ implies that there were inferior races that were upgraded to the white race, protected by the Queen of England.

There is no superior race.  All human beings are born equal because they are conceived the same way, develop in the woman’s body the same way, and are born the same way.  Commonwealth, Meghan Markle’s son is no exception.

He is not the only one who needs an education.  It is the English as well, because although he would never be king, his birth will uproot the ugly side of ‘England the mother country’ as we were taught in school.

The British should bear that in mind when they lament the colour of Meghan Markle’s son, the texture of his hair and the colour of his eyes.  At no point must they compare his appearance to Prince George or Prince Louis, Kate Middleton’s sons. There is no comparison. Kids are kids.

They must remember the reason for his name Commonwealth, where the Queen got 'free land' and its wealth.

By:  Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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