Meghan Markle's Perceived Crime

Kids in love. Photo Credit: online pic.

The problem with Meghan Markle is that she is a somebody, always been and will continue to be a somebody when Prince Charles becomes His Royal Highnes (HRH).

She left England with her family because that natural self love, does not sit well with some sections of the British media and public. They feel she doesn’t know her place as a black woman, which is defined by the upcoming Queen’s Silver Jubilee.

This celebration will be attended by men who rule former British colonies, men who look like Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, if I may use the royal designation. She was born in the U.S. but these men  look like her mother, grandparents and billions other people, displaced by European greed.

The Silver Jubilee is the queen’s inheritance from previous monarchs. Their legacy in Africa is Christianity, which claims that men are made in the image of god, while they treated black and brown people as sub-humans. We are still called ‘monkeys’. When racists walk behind us, they crouch like monkeys and their friends crack up with laughter.

Britain is described as a ‘developed country.’ Translate that into a thieving country, that stole ‘vacant land’, used Africans as mules and slaves to mine gold and diamonds and built buildings called prisons, for those that did not comply.

They also degraded them as human beings. Men as old as Prince Charles were dressed in comic uniforms to serve white masters tea, tend to the garden and wash the dog. What is the monetary value of what Britain stole from the British Empire today? Countless.

What hasn’t changed is that people like Meghan Markle are still regarded as slaves, servants and sub-human beings that must be grateful to be in white company.

She is not grateful at all, maybe to Lady Diana Spencer, who gave birth to her husband. How can she, when she loves herself? No, it is not attitude. It is called confidence in white women.

Meghan Markle will not kow-tow to men, mad at her for refusing to be at their beck and call, so they can ply her with questions why she is not grateful be part of an institution with a genocide past called ‘civilization.’

She is at the table because she is cool with herself. Her critics should try it sometimes. Look in the mirror and love what they see.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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