When The Internet Becomes a Dinosaur

Home office will be redundant.

Life will continue after the internet sunset. Technology is like a wave, rides pyramid high, then crashes on the sand like a beached whale. Every dog has its day, says the proverb.

The car GPS did not know that it would be overthrown by the cellphone GPS. Germany is still feeling the pinch because email attachments, the FORWARD button and Cloud replaced giants like the printer and scanner, huge money earners for the country.

Blogs did not know they’ll be taken over by podcasts. Skype used to unite families and conduct intercontinental meetings. Phones have moved it to the bottom drawer. Languages did not know the emoji 💪 will be their doom.

What would life be when the internet becomes a dinosaur? It will be replaced by body sensors. The cellphone and laptops will be redundant because body sensors will guide your craving for game night pizza to the pizza hut nearest you. They’ll be no delivery. You will eat it virtually, since hunger will be extinct.

After the internet, body sensors will be so powerful, they’ll detect your favourite family members and send them mental greeting cards. This is not far-fetched because the government already has all the information about us. The rest, we volunteer through social media and hackers steal banking codes.

Life after the internet will be worse than George Orwell’s book 1984, because body sensors will send emails and all information according to race.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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