Garment Industry Forget Dresses

Dresses, old school. 

Ladies’ wear is one of the departments you find in department stores. Women go there in the fall to buy gym pants and jackets, when they sign up for new gym membership.

Ladies’ wear also carries all kinds of dresses: day, evening, casual, church, even special occasions, like wedding dresses. Next time you visit a department store, browse around ladies’ wear. You might be the only one because reasons for buying event-specific dresses continue to diminish.

The garment industry should take note and move away from such dresses because special occasions like Christmas dinner, Thanksgiving, baptism, eating out, visiting family, or dressing up to catch a flight have evaporated. The world is informal now, loose, as the kids put it, and loose means black gym pants or leggings for the office and parties.

The world is no longer into frilly blouses and lace dresses hugged with designer belts. One of the reasons for moving away from dresses are trendsetters: celebrity actresses and sports women. They don’t wear any dresses, just pieces of fabric, because they want to show body beautiful as much as possible.

The garment industry in Hong Kong or New York has a challenge to adapt to a dress-less society. They have already, because they are producing more cropped denim shorts and distressed jeans.

The big problem are cotton mills, that still produce fabric to make dresses. What is their fate?

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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