You Got Mail Movie Review

Pic: Nonqaba waka Msimang

You Got Mail, Nora Ephron’s movie where Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan play rival bookstore owners, is still relevant today, as it was in 1998 when it was released.

1. Small bookstore owners like Kathleen Kelly, Meg Ryan’s character, continue to shut their doors, because we are now digital beings. Call us D-Readers.
2. Bookstores, in the year 2020, sell almost everything. They even have coffee shops attached to them. They remind me of Joe Fox, Tom Hanks’ character and his mega bookstore, that stole all the business from Kathleen Kelly.
3. We still search for love online, like Kathleen Kelly and Joe Fox.
4. Like the two characters, we live with other people, who don’t know that we have secret virtual affairs.
5. Our online lovers sound perfect because we don’t discuss mundane real life issues like the car has no gas or leaving the toilet seat up.
6. Like the two characters, we don’t know who they are and they might be people we see everyday.
7. We feel guilty about online trysts. That is why we close the computer when the real life lover comes into the room.
8. We are coffee addicts, especially in the morning as we head to the office or construction site.
9. Should we meet?
10. Do people really do this? Can you use your own money to fly to another continent or city to fetch an incurable disease or be killed by a racist or pervert?

The End: Kathleen Kelly and Joe Fox lived happily ever after, largely because they are from the same class, although he ate the ‘garnish’ at one party they attended.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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