Little Painters

Pic: Nonqaba waka Msimang
No. You can’t kill your kids. It’s a crime against nature and the government. They just want attention, especially because you can’t even remember their birthdays, since you are a, stay-at-the-office dad.

You need more ideas to fill this gigabyte time we have. How about painting a room? Not if you are renting. The landlord will get mad at you for painting the bedroom black and red.

Sure, kids will love getting ready for big paint job, but you can’t wake up one COVID-19 day and say ‘guys, we’re painting the small bedroom today.’ Planning is the key.

Parents decide which room to be painted. No, it won’t be Mary’s room, because Sebastian will also want his room to be done. Certain logistics must be decided before going to the store to buy paint and brushes. No, you can’t use the paint in the basement for two reasons. Firstly, it’s so old you can’t even open the can. Secondly, it is past its due date.

1. You must remove the furniture from the small room. Where to? If you live on your own farm in a sunny continent like Africa, you can leave it outside and cover it with heavy plastic or tarpaulin. If you  live in Canada or the U.S. you can leave it in the basement. Just decide where.
2. You need something to cover the floor while painting. My father used old newspapers and it was my job to lay them down. Your problem is that you are not old school like my dad. You don’t buy newspapers because you get your news from Twitter and Yahoo. Professional painters have yards of fabric they lay on the floor.
3. Decide on the paint color. What color will the room be? Definitely not egg yellow because you will sell your home at some stage and it might put off buyers.
4. How many brushes will you need? You can give older kids their own wall to paint. Small kids will be the problem because they don’t want to miss the action. What about giving them crayons and paper? Let them design WET PAINT signs to be posted around the house.
5. Is there a step ladder at home? You will need it for the ceiling. Use a roller to paint it, but brushes are recommended because it is a lesson for the kids. My dad started me with doors. He painted the walls.
6. Mixing paint. Parents will do the mixing wearing protective wear like masks. Kids will ask questions and you provide answers. It is called bonding.
7. Kids should write down all the essentials before parents go to the hardware store e.g. thinner, gloves, enough masks for your little painting crew etc. Sorry. You can’t take them because of social distancing and limit of people allowed inside stores. Kids must use their phones to capture the BEFORE the painting colour, and the AFTER.
8. Add to this list other things you need to do. Go to bed and tell them about the big day tomorrow which will be early in the morning, where you will teach them how to handle the brush, and doing the brush strokes.
9. Of course, you are not a professional painter, but it will be a labour of love and kids will feel and return the love.
10. What’s for lunch? Everybody will look forward to that.

The whole family cannot go shopping anymore.
By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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